Friday, January 22, 2010

The Mendacity of Nope

Breakdown of political party representation in...Image via Wikipedia

(And the Horse He Rode In On, Part 2)

The majority of Americans oppose the Senate Healthcare Reform bill! Really!

But, When asked where they stand on what's in the bill, they support it, don't think it goes far enough.

So, how did we get here? Does it have anything to do with persistent, unending lies?

I think so.

Death Panels that never were, tax increases that will never be, fines that cannot be assesed, cuts invisble under a tunneling electron microscope are coming. The Republicans stir the dregs at the base of the tea cup, Tea Partiers become even more bitter. A new lie is added ever time things seem to be calming down and the main stream media covers the falsehoods as if they were indistinguishable from the facts.

Afte all, the opposition wouldn't tell bald=faced lies for partisan gain? Would they? Financial gain? Of course not, surrounded by parentheses, prefaced by another not!

It's proof positve that even pygmy elephants, moving as a herd can trample the most needed reform,just for the hell of it,

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

And the Horse Brown Rode in On. Part 1

Conventional (mechanical) sphygmomanometer wit...Image via Wikipedia

I am sick and tired. I've been uninsured and uninsurable for twenty-five years. The faintest hope of healthcare reform has, at times, been all that stood between pain and insanity. It is the slim piton from which I've clung to life, like a climber clings to a rockface when all other anchors have failed.

I deeply resent the glee the mainstream media seems to feel. Apparantly, they think this is entertainment, so they're covering it like a season of some contact sport, some kind of hybrid of football, debate, WWE and ultimate fighting.

I lost my savings. I don't even have the mrmory of what a`pain free life is like   But, I have a condition , which most people from, if treated in the first few years. Unfortunately, it took over ten years to get a diagnosis. Waking, it burns. Sleeping, my jaw muscles clench so tight that I often wake up wit broken teeth. What about a mouth guard? Remember no insurance. Did you know, in many places even the Medicaid eligible aren't covered for dentistry? Where you are covered, you have to jump through hoops. Ever tried jumping through hoops when you're in so much pain tou ca;t see straight?

People who are trying to kill reform, whatever their reasons, are in fact trying to kill me. Every day without reform shortens my life and diminishes the quality of the life I have remaining. Bad teeth become inflammatipn become heart disease. Causalgia, burning pain, sustained  long enough can chane low blood pressure to high as if you flipped a switch. Inadequetely treated, these will kill. Without reform, tratment is a matter of luck.

But when people dig pits in the trail and camoflage them after lining the sides with punji sticks. They're trying to guarantee bad luck. That/s assault at best. At worst it's murder.

Maybe, I should have title this "And the Elephant Brown Rode in On."
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