Saturday, October 22, 2011

Republican('ts) pretend to have a jobs plan...

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Republican('ts) pretend to have a jobs plan. Actually, they have had a successful job plan. Their policies have been creating jobs in India and China, Taiwan and Singapore and Korea. Unfortunately, those countries reciprocal policies don't create jobs here. Nor should they. They create jobs for the people they represent. Funny, Chinese Communists and Indian Socialists won't let ideology trump reality when economic growth is involved, but Republican'ts just can't.
Party of Pollution
Weakening environmental regulations, part of the G.O.P. jobs plan, would do little to create jobs and would make us both poorer and sicker.
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It's bad enough to shoot yourself in the ...

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It's bad enough to shoot yourself in the foot, but these laws may turn red state roosters into soprano singing capons. Instead of greeting economic mornings they look forward to dusks with unpicked crops rotting in their fields.
The tightening noose, the lightening wallet
ANOTHER month, another court, another plank of Alabama's controversial immigration law enjoined.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

*Remember when healthcare legislation was...

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Remember when healthcare legislation was declared dead? - Stand with the President, join this fight now: This fight goes on. Senate Republicans have blocked a critical jobs bill that would put Americans back to work right...
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Sunday, October 02, 2011


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Bristly Dabs for Painter 12 and Backward Compatible to Painter IX.
Hello Everyone, I have just made a download page for my newest brush set, called Bristly Dabs.  Thanks to David Gell, Master of all things Painter, the sets are backward compatible to Painter I...
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Texas has spent years trying to steer money...

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Texas has spent years trying to steer money meant to repair hurricane damage housing of low income and disadvantaged owners. They've done the typical republican('t) dance of changing the rules, so people have to apply again and again, changining the disbursement formula, in an attempt to steer the funds to people who hadn't suffered damage. Now, relief is in the hands of a different agency. Another set of delays is sure to follow.
Extending the Miseries From Hurricane Ike
Three years after the damage from Hurricane Ike, affected Texas homeowners are angry at a state bureaucracy that has paid out less than 10 percent of the $3.1 billion in federal aid it has received.
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