Wednesday, December 20, 2000

The Powell Perplex I had mixed feelings. One was relief: Mr. Powell's answers to reporters' questions demonstrated a sharp and intuitive grasp of global issues. Whether you agree with him or not, this is a serious man. My other feeling, though, was: I sure hope Colin Powell is always right in his advice to Mr. Bush � because he so towered over the president-elect, who let him answer every question on foreign policy, that it was impossible to imagine Mr. Bush ever challenging or overruling Mr. Powell on any issue. Mr. Powell is three things Mr. Bush is not � a war hero, worldly wise and beloved by African-Americans. That combination gives him a great deal of leverage. It means he can never be fired. It means Mr. Bush can never allow him to resign in protest over anything. It will be interesting to see who emerges to balance Mr. Powell's perspective.