Wednesday, May 09, 2001

Gains Found for the Poor in Rigorous Preschool But the study also sounds an early warning about the Bush plan. The Chicago preschool program, which is operated by the public school system in 23 centers across the city, requires parents to participate in their children's homework assignments and also helps families arrange medical care and social services. In setting priorities for Head Start, the Bush administration has thus far ranked those aspects of the program � traditionally its cornerstones � below reading, much to the concern of Head Start advocates. "It's more than just providing basic literacy skills," said Arthur J. Reynolds, a professor of social work at Wisconsin, who was the lead author of the study. "You've got to put parents in classrooms, as well as kids." The study being released today tracked 989 children, all born in 1980, who enrolled in the Chicago Child Parent Center Program no later than age 4, and were taught an average of 2.5 hours a day for 18 months. Nearly all children were living at or below the poverty level, and many of the children and the parents had to be recruited and cajoled to attend by the centers' staff, who canvassed for students door to door.