Monday, January 14, 2008

Race and Gender Are Issues in Tense Day for Democrats - New York Times

Race and Gender Are Issues in Tense Day for Democrats - New York Times:

"In a tense day of exchanges by the candidates and their supporters, Mrs. Clinton suggested on Sunday that Mr. Obama’s campaign, in an effort to inject race into the contest, distorted remarks she had made about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mr. Obama tartly dismissed Mrs. Clinton’s suggestion, adding that “the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous.”"

I get email from the Obama campaign daily. Sometimes as often as five times a day. I've posted my reaction to the Clintons comments so "my" view is clear. I haven't received one single email about her statement from the Obama campaign. No one has called about them. If reporters weren't asking about this, I'm not sure there would be any mention at all. So what's really going on here?

The Clintons seem to need so desperately hurt Obama, that in the context of the interview she said something that many of us found offensive. Instead of apologising, she blamed her opponent for distorting what she said and then spreading the distortion. In fact, he's done neither. In fact, they've distorted what he said in the 2004 convention. In fact, theyve taken his statments out of context and deleted the part of the statement that proves their argument an outright lie.

Before this, like most African Americans, I had respect for the Clintons. While I'm for Obama, I didn't see a Clinton win as bad thing. That's no longer true. The uneasiness I've felt about their tactics has hardened into opposition. I now believe that they will do and say anything they think they'll get away with. While the mainstream media fails to ask hrd questions of any candidates democratic or republican. They think this is spinoff of American Idol.