The general election is about electors.
The primaries are about delegates.
On to South Carolina where we will see what we shall see. We'll see if South Carolinians find Hillary Clintons comment about the unimportance of Dr. King as offensive as I do.
We'll see if the mainstream media keeps swallowing her claims of 35 years of experience. I might buy 16 years, if I believed being married to the President qualified as on the job training.
Do some former interns partially qualify too?
Yes, I'm grateful for Lyndon Johnson's effort, contribution and courage. All Dr. King did for my rights was stand up for them, march for them, go to jail for them, get his house bombed for them, live for them, speak for those who could not voice them, die for them. Not that great a contribution according to Hillary Clinton.
But we've got to be careful. No matter how she distorts, disparages or backstabs, direct or by surrogate, we dare not make the lady cry.